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May 30, 2004


Yvonne DiVita

Gee, imagine it...actually using personality traits to market to human beings. Wow! I think you're on to something. Can I join you? Hope you'll allow me to place your blog link on my blog list.'s already there. Can't keep the good stuff to myself.

David Wolfe

Yvonne, isn't it amazing that marketing is so much about numbers (statistical renderings of hypothetical human beings) that such things as personality traits command scant attention. My nonmarketing friends think I'm pulling their legs when I tell them that behavior is so little regarded in marketing that a person can get an MBA in marketing without taking a single course in behavior.

P.S. Good job on your site!


I am sorry to contradict but its weird to attach media to branding. I understand Branding by the 'set of feelings and emotions' that a name or a cognitive association creates in human mind. Call them brand personalities or human aspirational values. Brands are unique and trusted to deliver the same experiences over time. Dont see where media comes in. 1:1 or mass, if the marketer delivers same value and experience to customers time and again, customers are bound to remember the brand for the same consistency. The associations may come through various channels. Can be the outlet guy, the vending machine or the hefty commercial. Do they disseminate same information/ message? If not, your mass messaging may not help much, neither your 1:1 expensive efforts.

Rick Frazier

Apparently the folks at Coca-Cola Co. didn't learn much when they deviated from their "innocent" brand personality in the two ads you mention: ("Coke Pulls TV Ad After Some call It the Pits," Wall Street Journal, 6/8/04). The ad described in the article appealed to younger audiences, but apparently turned off older audiences. The beauty behind the principles of Ageless Marketing is that you don't have to make this tradeoff.

Vic Cherikoff

Shouldn't Coke just have dumb ads for the dumb people who drink their dumb product? Why anyone would ever choose to consume 15% sugar flavored with caramel, lime oil, aniseed oil, caffeine, vanilla extract and phosphoric acid is beyond me?

Love the info on your website. Keep up the great work.

David Wolfe


The answer to your question (unfortunately) is that people imbibe carbonated sugar water in such great volumes to a large degree because of the reach of marketers into the deep recesses of the human brain. I'm a marketer, but am not very proud of my profession. After all, in consumers' minds marketers rank in public opinion roles just above used car salespeople.

Thanks for your comment.


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Blogs with a Global Perspective On Marketing

  • Anita Campbell's Small Business Trends
    Anita's blog is a treasure trove of useful information, especially for small businesses who must depend on external sources to identify what is important to them.
  • Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba
    High priests of customer evangelism, the foundation of viral marketing, Ben and Jackie work creatively from the pulpit of the Church of the Customer to tech companies how to recruit consumers into their marketing efforts.
  • Brent Green's Boomers
    Brent’s blog amplifies marketing principles and practices in his book “Marketing to Leading-Edge Baby Boomers.” Commentary ranges from rants about the marketing clueless to exaltation of companies and organizations successfully introducing new Boomer marketing initiatives.
  • Evelyn Rodriguez - Crossroads Dispatches
    Evelyn offers a keen eye into the mind and soul of today's more mature consumer universe
  • Jean-Paul Treguer's Senioragency
    Jean-Paul brings a Continental perspective to the art of marketing to people in the second half of life. This entry links directly to the English edition. The French edition is at In both editions, lots of down to earth insights and advice.
  • Katherine Stone - Decent Marketing
    Katherine's blog reflects her customer centric perspectives on experiential marketing
  • Michele Miller - WonderBlog
    Michele's blog focuses in part on feminine values in marketing -- critically important since women account for 80% of consumer purchases.
  • Paul Williams and John Moore - Brand Autopsy
    Paul Williams and John Moore bring an impressive array of experience to their blog, including Moore's experience withStarbuck's and Whole Foods.
  • Piers Fawkes and Simon King - PSFK
    Cool tracking of cool developments in the under-40 marketplaces in Europe, US and Asia.
  • Saisir l'état d'esprit des 40+
    Sylvain Desfosses's dedicated efforts to promote a better understanding of the general state of mind of 40+ segment and the strategic implications in marketing and management. In French (no English subtitles!).
  • Skip Linberg's Marketing Genius
    A multi-author blog covering a wide range of topics and philosophy, plus a few rants and random musings.
  • The Source of Leadership Blog
    David Traversi shares his unique insight into what makes a great leader by exploring personal energies that we all possess.
  • Tom Asacker - A Clear Eye
    Tom's wide-ranging blog is especially sensitive to the role of emotions in consumer behavior.
  • Tom Peters
    Tom's blog is - well, typical of Tom's thinking, almost beyond global in perspective with frequent outside-the-box ideas. You'll likely find it worthwhile to have Tom's blog in your must-read blog list.

Blogs on Branding

  • Stefan Liute - Stefan's Branding Blog
    Free ranging running commentary on branding in a nice conversational tone by a branding pro from Romania ( who understands the art of branding.
  • Jason Kerr - Brandlessness
    Jason sagely observes, "“Any sufficiently advanced brand is fully indistinguishable from the self” then sets out to fulfill the promise in that statement.
  • Errol Saldanha: Branding Branding
    Interesting site devoted to the perennial issue of how the terms "brand" and "branding" be defined.
  • David Young - BrandingBlog
    David's blog is replete with valuable insights into the semiotic alchemy of branding, an art more marketers should know more about.

Blogs on Specialty Areas of Marketing

  • CRM Lowdown
    CRM Lowdown - Craig Cullen blogs about every aspect of customer relationship management, from theory to implementation.
  • Eamon Maloney
    Spotlightideas is about creative-thinking in advertising account planning, communications and media.
  • Holly Buchanan's Marketing to Women Online
    Marketing to Women Online smashes stereotypes and focuses on understanding what women truly want in the online world and in the offline world
  • Lucy McDonald's R.E.A.L. Marketing Blog
    Lucy's unique blog provides a cornucopia of business and marketing tips for the counselor, therapist, psychotherapist, and alternative therapist.
  • MarcomBlog
    MarcomBlog is a collaborative effort between eight terrific public relations and marketing professionals and students in Auburn University's Department of Communication and Journalism to involve students in conversations with practitioners from around the world.
  • Mark Willaman's SeniorCareMarketer
    Mark discusses the 'business of aging' with a focus on Internet marketing. In particular, he writes about how companies who market products and services relating to the aging population can increase their online visibility, web site traffic and leads.
  • Marketing Headhunter
    Executive recruiter Harry Joiner speaks with top marketers throughout Corporate America every week which gives him keen insight into trends shaping multichannel marketing.
  • Resonance Partnership Blog
    Marianne Richmond offers insight into connecting marketing and customer experience within the paradoxes of a digital world… with an eye towards neuroscience and behavior theory.
  • Web Market Central
    Tom Pick of shares his advice, commentary, observations, and wisdom on all aspects of online marketing.
  • Yvonne DiVita's Lipsticking Blog
    Lip-sticking teaches small and medium-sized businesses how to market to women online. Speaking from the perspective of Jane – representative of the women's market – we offer qualified advice, insight, and research on women and the Internet.

Blogs on Sales Theory and Practice

  • S. Anthony Iannarino - The Sales Blog
    Anthony's common sense commentary is a treasure trove of insight into sales methods. tools, and theory enriched by an uncommon addiction to reading about everything. (Renaissance personalities make great salespeople and marketers.)